Everything you need to perform at the highest level is already there, within you.

Professional development coaching for established executives & emerging leaders

There's a reason the pinecone is the ancient symbol for enlightenment. Everything needed to create a tree, or an entire forest, resides within that pinecone.



Throughout human history, the pinecone has served as the symbolic representation of Human Enlightenment. Filled with enough seeds to create not just another tree but an entire forest, it is akin to our potential for growth, new possibilities and greatness. Limitless potential resides in all of us, and it is our responsibility to tap, harness and positively direct that potential.


Shedding Seeds of the Pinecone

Many fertilized seeds are hidden within the pinecone until they are released. They often need a catalyst (heat) to create this release. But when they hit the ground, they’re ready to grow. These are the ideas—the seeds of wisdom within, the inner strengths and our capacity for greater self-awareness and knowing—that sometimes lie dormant until they are awakened and released.



Cotyledons are the first few embryonic leaves appearing from a fertilized seed. This new growth may look foreign or be hard to recognize and may hardly resemble the towering tree to come. Regardless, this early growth is taking place.  In coaching, clients may feel the change afoot, but may not see fully see themselves in it yet. It is the act of becoming. This is where my process of holding vigilant attention helps clients begin to see how all these pieces are coming together.


The Seedling & Sapling

The fertilized seed anchors to the earth and takes root. Pine needles emerge. The sapling is smaller but holds all the features of the larger tree. This is the “Ah ha” moment for clients where they discover something new or rediscover an aspect of themselves (innate wisdom) that serves them. It’s where insights and awakenings become visible, tangible and ready to be applied in real-world setting


The Mature Tree

The majestic pine serves as a metaphor for many important things — most importantly an informing image of the desired future state. From a single seed within the pinecone comes a towering tree. Branches reach higher to receive the essential energy from the sun, pinecones shed their seeds and new growth is spawned, roots firmly anchored reach deeper for essential nutrients to grow and sustain the tree. Like great leaders, it’s anchored, balanced and adaptable. Throughout all phases of coaching I help my clients access and develop the most important aspects of themselves and others.

But some pinecones only release their seeds during a wildfire.

Sometimes the potential for the best version of ourselves lies dormant until
it meets the right catalyst.

I help you see your current situation with more clarity, explore new possibilities and release your untapped potential to grow.

Russell Grimaldi by Dexios Design-015

Russell Grimaldi, Executive Coach & Leadership Development Consultant

As a senior executive with 25 plus years of experience across publicly held companies, mid-sized organizations and entrepreneurial startups — facing a vast array of business situations and dynamics — I’ve found that success is tied to how individual leaders fulfill their unique potential and how they help those around them to do the same.

When it works, it’s a magnificent symphony.

Performance improves across the board, efficiency increases, employee engagement (and retention rates) rise, and obstacles are overcome with less stress and conflict.

But too often we focus on trying to fix what’s broken, rather than investing in the strengths of individuals and teams so they operate at peak performance.

Integrating my corporate background with extensive coaching and leadership training, I bring a perspective grounded in real‑ experience to:

Find strategic, creative solutions to business and human challenges

Refine your unique approach to leadership

Establish and elevate executive presence

Strengthen emotional intelligence and communication techniques

Deliver and receive productive feedback

Establish enhanced accountability within and across teams

Develop the innate strengths and presence of high potential employees

Increase team cohesion

How can I help you cultivate your potential or the potential of your team or staff?